It’s positive!

March 3: There it was. The faintest line on the pregnancy test. But why did it take so long to get? I expected it an entire week earlier. My best friend from college was there to see it, to look at it as my second pair of eyes. She saw it, too. But I bought more tests, and took another one two days later. (Hcg levels double every 2 to 3 days, so the next one would be more obvious!) was faint, too. And I sent a picture to my friend, and she voiced her concern about it being so light still. I confirmed I thought it was weird, but, yay! Our journey to another baby has begun.

(Disclaimer: from all I could research online, people say the lines are darker the more hcg you have.  My doctor’s office says a positive is a positive, no matter how dark that line is.)


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