The Beginning of a Miscarriage

March 11: I have the stomach flu and can’t sleep because my stomach just won’t stop churning. I go to the bathroom at 1:30am. I wipe. Bright. Red. Blood. I finally get full on sick, crawl back into bed, and whisper to my husband, “I think I’m going to miscarry.” He hugs me, asks why. I tel him I saw blood. I wake up to go to work that day (because I don’t call in sick!). I’m still spotting, but also still feel awful.  I text my boss to tell her what’s going on. She says to stay home because she doesn’t want it. I get dressed to go to work. Give up the work idea as it takes me twice as long to get the kids ready for daycare (lots of bathroom runs). Take a trash can in the car in case I have to puke. My three and a half year old starts singing, “Mommy has to throw up. Ding ding dong. Ding dong.”  I get very special. 

I called my OBGYN’s office and tell them about the spotting. They tell me that it’s likely implantation bleeding but I can come in for an hcg level if I’m really concerned. I don’t go, because I have the stomach flu. I rest all day, barely eating or drinking anything. The spotting slows, then stops.  I make it through the day, get the kids into bed, then go to bed myself. 

March 12: I feel “better” but my spotting is back. I call into work because I still haven’t eaten anything more than crackers and have no energy. I call the doctor and explain what’s going on. The nurse schedules and appointment for the next day and asks that I get an hcg level today. My husband’s off work, so we drop the kids off at daycare then go to the office and get blood drawn. I drink as much water as possible, hoping if I hydrate the spotting will stop and it was a warning sign.
We  decide to rent movies, as the doctor has ordered rest and rehydration until they know what is going on. On our way to rent movies, we decide maybe we should just go to the theater and watch a brand new movie. We watch “The Upside”. (Highly recommend!) The movie was so good it took my mind off of what was going on in my uterus. The spotting has stopped by about 3 that afternoon. I finally eat a sandwich at 4 with no stomach upset! We go on with the day like usual, with the exception of me trying to rest more than I usually would.

March 13: I stopped spotting! I go into work, then my husband and I go to the doctor. My doctor is on vacation, so we have to see a different one. She is really nice and explains their concerns (spotting is okay, but they need to figure out why as the timeline doesn’t make sense for implantation bleeding - which I knew.) She has to do a vaginal ultrasound, as by my timing, I’m freshly Sox weeks pregnant. The ultrasound shows...nothing. She sees that the endometrium is thickened, as it should. She sees a “possible” gestational sac, but because we aren’t sure of timing, she doesn’t know if it’s just too early for any visual anything. I didn’t realize in that moment she was thinking my timing was off. After I got home from work that night, I started researching what should be on a six week ultrasound. That’s when it hit me. There wasn’t a gestational sac. There should have been one!(side note - my hcg level was 116). Because of the low hcg level, they asked me to come in and get another the next day. Depending on that number told us the next step. Of it doubles, I come back at 8 week appointment as long as there’s no more excessive bleeding. If it goes up, but doesn’t double, I go in next week for further evaluation. If it goes down, I’m definitely miscarrying. Well. I came to my conclusion that night that I was miscarrying.

March 14: I’m spotting again. I go in for labs. I go to work. I function.

March 15:  My labs went...up?! 186. Why?! What is going on????? I schedule an appointment with MY doctor for Monday morning. 


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