The Questions I Should Have Asked About Miscarriage

1) What kind of bleeding should I expect?
2) How much blood is too much? (Or, when would I need to be seen if I do lose too much?)
3) Will it be painful?
4) How painful? Will it be like menstrual cramps? Or Braxton-Hicks contraction discomfort? Or even contractions?
5) When is a “miscarriage” over?
6) How often do I have to follow-up and when will the appointments no longer be necessary?
7) How often will I have to get follow-up hcg levels? When do I get to stop them?
8) Can I wear tampons when I’m miscarrying? (Most online resources say no, but I didn’t ask my doctor, and he didn’t volunteer that information.)
9) When can I have sex again? (Goes along with question above and risk for infection for anything inserted vaginally.)
10) If we try to get pregnant again, when can we start trying?
11) Is there anything that could have prevented this miscarriage?
12) Are there certain things I should do differently if there is a next time?
13) Did my IUD ruin my uterus?!
14) Did we get pregnant too quickly after IUD removal?
15) You say I can exercise, but do I have limits? Can I run for miles or lift a lot of weight?
16) Do I need to ask my mom details on her fertility? Is any of this familial or genetic?

Luckily, I have an appointment on Tuesday to ask some of these questions. Some questions, I got to find out on my own. I will have follow-ups to the questions as I get them answered, either by experience or when I talk to my doctor, and I’ll try to indicate how they are answered.

The point of sharing (maybe even over sharing) is because I needed something like this. I NEED something like this to read. And I couldn’t find anything with ALL the details, from start to finish (whatever that is). So, here I am. Making it.  For myself, but for other women struggling with miscarriage.  Love yourselves and take care of yourselves. We are strong, and we will get through this.


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