Another Announcement

My husband has a friend. Said friend confided in him that they were going through a miscarriage last December. As time went on, we experienced the same in March.

Said friend told him today they are pregnant and got to hear a heartbeat today. As happy as I am for them, I want to break down and sob. For two reasons: one, they are having a baby after miscarriage. Two: they are having a baby and I’m not.

The miscarriage thoughts have been consuming me, as well as the TTC thoughts as well. I’m just sitting here, waiting for ANY signal that I can even reproduce again.

I have never yearned for a period so hard. Yet, some people (not a credible source, but on multiple google searches) say you have to have 20 days of no bleeding in between miscarriage and period in order for bleeding to be considered a period and not more miscarriage. So I have eight more days, according to that information, that I should be blood-free.

I’m sick of waiting. I want a successful pregnancy and baby so much, it hurts.


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