
I don’t know what stage of my cycle I’m in. I mean, obviously I’m not menstruating, but that’s about all I know right now for sure. But, I might have the attitude of someone PMSing. With that in mind, I cried about an egg yolk breaking while I was attempting an over easy egg this morning.

Why? My mind went from egg yolk breaking to miscarriage in 0.2 seconds. I literally, somehow, compared a broken egg yolk to my miscarriage. I mean, I understand my brain’s logic, but I don’t think about my miscarriage ALL the time anymore. I get reprieve or am too distracted by other things in my life going on to think about it 24/7 (thankfully). But seriously, can’t even believe that was my trigger today.

No news otherwise. I’ve declared my bleeding is officially finished, as it has been an entire week since I’ve spotted or bled at all. So, here’s my overall experience:

Spotting before miscarriage: on and off for 8 days
Miscarriage bleeding: 24 days, the heaviest being the first 6 days
Cramping: quite painful, even contraction like the first 3 days of heavy bleeding
Hcg count: 120s, 180s, 140s, 80s, 25, still have one more next week


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