Why body? Why?!

So I stopped spotting, bleeding, etc. on Tuesday. Or so I thought. Started spotting again yesterday (Friday). Today, spotting, but heavier, with some clots thrown in. Cramping is more severe. I was ecstatic to not have the constant reminder of miscarriage, but here we are again.

I have no clue what is going on, if it's "normal", if I should call the doctor (I might, depending on what's going on on Monday). I asked my fellow pharmer moms on a Facebook group. Responses varied on the duration of bleeding, severity, etc. Some also said they ended up needing a D&C because the bleeding lasted so long.

I wish all of this was more predictable, more standard, more teachable. I hate that my doctor didn't give me information regarding some of this, but as I go through it, I'm starting to realize it probably is very individualized in what exactly happens. As people say no pregnancy is the same, the pharm moms are saying no miscarriage is the same (even the same person with multiple miscarriages). I hate that the information I do find is mostly individual reports based off experience, but I think now that this information may be that way because that's just how it is. Generalizing these experiences as education points for those needing information doesn't work because they are all different.

I have to stay positive. Very ready for the reminders of miscarriage to not be so prevalent!


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