
Throughout this process, especially initially, I was on an emotional rollercoaster. I had to recognize some of these emotions were triggered by the hormonal rollercoaster resulting from the miscarriage. I had to remind myself that postpartum depression probably could happen after a miscarriage. Since I suffered from PPD after my first, I self-reflected often. I spoke and showed my feelings. I didn't hide things I was thinking. I did that with my PPD. It made it so much worse. My husband is such a huge support. He saw the depression after my first. It took me eight months to truly recognize how bad it was. With the loss of pregnancy, I was very fearful the depression would come back. 

I have good news. It's been 25 days since the actual miscarriage began (not the spotting, but the true bleeding). I think my hormones are cyclic again. I stopped spotting (again!) two days ago. The last time this happened, I had a two day break and was back to spotting. This time feels different. Dare I say, I might actually be ovulating? I'm experiencing those symptoms that go with the hormone changes. I'm not entirely sure what my body is doing, and I don't know that I will until I have an actual period again, but I think I'm on my way to "normal" again.

I still have one remaining hcg quant to do in one and a half weeks. Pray and hope it's down to zero so we can start this trying-to-get-pregnant journey again soon!


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